Maximizing Board Legibility to Boost Engagement at Primo Carnera Study Centre
For Centro di Studi Primo Carnera, enrolling more students meant going online
The 21st Century has witnessed an unprecedented revolution in education – new areas of study, new technologies, but also new challenges have forever changed the way we acquire knowledge. Students young and old vie for top spots at schools, universities and, ultimately, employers, without the geographical limitations of previous generations.
Access to a seemingly unlimited number of educational or professional opportunities points to broad potential but also encourages competition at a global level. Students often supplement their studies hoping to achieve an advantage over their peers. The same is true in Perdenone, Italy, where Primo Carnera Study Centre offers a variety of preparatory courses aimed at university students or those hoping to advance or realign their careers.
And just as students are now able to learn from schools worldwide, so do educational institutions need to extend their reach to attract new students. Even areas as charming as northern Italy aim to increase enrollment through remote study. This is exactly what Primo Carnera has done: inviting students from all over Italy to participate in classes held on its campus in Perdenone.