It was the shortest month of the year, but probably the longest list of new features and improvements we have ever made. You must check it out because we make every effort to ensure that ShareTheBoard can meet your expectations even better.

What's new
- New options in App Settings:
– Email for session content sharing – the participants have the option to provide an email address on the session join screen, thanks to which they will receive a summary with a Board Memory link via email;
– AI Content Analysis – possibility to disable/enable automatic analysis at the end of the session (which assigns a Board Memory title, sorts keyframes, or adds a session summary to email);
– Board Memory – if this option is disabled, there will be no recording of the session, and frames will not be saved in our database.
- Mobile STASH with a new automatic board detection option.
- Improved CC performance.
- Possibility to save analysis results during a session.
- New design of Sticky Note text annotation (on screens from 1025px width).
- Changing settings in App Settings during an active session is unavailable (except content detection engine, Auto-hide controls and Accessibility mode).
- New option – Mandatory email for session participants in the Recurring Session Links popup. All observers joining the session through this link will be required to provide an email.
- Changing the language in the ShareTheBoard Zoom App is unavailable for now.
- Improved automatic keyframe selection mechanism in Board Memory at the end of the session.
- Keyframe management (marking/unmarking) is only possible after the session ends.
- CC: Improved ‘save settings’ option for organizations.
- It is impossible to see a Board Memory whose owner has an expired account.
- In high contrast mode, loaders are displayed correctly.
- In the settings panel during a session, there is a new button redirecting to App Settings on the dashboard.
- Shortened links for Board Memory.
- The Shared Devices tab is available for the Room Admins now.
- “Restore default settings” in App Settings on TEAM/ROOM accounts reverts the settings to the organization settings.
Bug fixes
- Enabling the “Raw Video Stream” option in CC does not block “Inspect Board View” in the web version.
- “Annotation for attendees” option (App Settings) works correctly.
- The “Enable/Disable annotations for attendees” toggle (during a session) works correctly in the Zoom App.
- Annotations do not change their place when changing the camera in Multicam Mode.
- Opening a Board Memory that no longer exists displays an appropriate message – “Board Memory Not Found”.
- Ignore area with centering enabled works correctly.
- Adding an ignore area to a small work area is possible.
- Content detection works properly after the setting panel automatically closes during a session in an inactive browser tab.
- The “Custom prompt” option in the analysis popup requires you to enter the content of the prompt.
- Content detection works correctly after losing and then regaining the internet connection.
- After regaining the Internet connection, Board Memory updates.
- The annotations’ menu does not close after selecting the eraser.
- CSV files downloaded with the analysis result (tables and charts) display Polish characters correctly.
- Logged-in observers can participate in a session even if their accounts have expired.
- Annotation edit panels display correctly when Accessibility Mode is enabled.
- When you disconnect/switch off a camera that was remembered from the last session, another camera is selected during onboarding.
- Changes for the algorithm displaying Performance Notification (it will be displayed when the computer slows down significantly).
Happy whiteboarding!
The STB Team