Another two months of this year are in the past already! During this time, we’ve added and improved features on ShareTheBoard. Are you ready? You are more than welcome to check new options!

What's new
- The fourth option for analyzing content – a Custom prompt.
- PlantUML diagrams – you can receive graphs thanks ‘Analyze This Frame’ feature (possibility to download a source code and an image – PNG, SVG, JPEG).
- New option in App Settings tab – Annotation for attendees.
- The last frame before removing the annotation automatically becomes a Key Frame.
- The “Rejoin session” button (from the host dashboard) leads straight to the session, bypassing onboarding.
- New Board Memory Limits (PRO/Trial Version – 10, Team Version – 25). And you can request more!
- Evaluating analysis results to help improve this feature.
- The last frame in Board Memory is marked as a Key Frame.
Bug fixes
- A logged-in user can join the session as a participant.
- Improved content detection in Content Camera.
- Changing the workspace area works correctly.
We have a few surprises in May for you. Stay tuned and… Happy whiteboarding!
The STB Team