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A Tale of Two Boards: Miro vs. ShareTheBoard

sharetheboard vs miro comparison

We are sure that when you first stumbled upon our page, you probably wondered how ShareTheBoard as a small Polish startup compares to the giants in the virtual collaboration tools arena. So far, in our previous articles, we could showcase STB as a sound alternative to Google Jamboard and InVision and this time we’ll collate it with the next prominent player of the whiteboarding world – Miro.

In this blog post, we will delve into the key features of both whiteboarding solutions, explore their strengths, and shed some light on what differentiates those two platforms. Enjoy the read!

First up: Miro!

miro screenshot

You’re probably familiar with this app already, but if it’s your first time researching digital collaboration tools, allow us to introduce you to Miro, formerly known as RealtimeBoard. From its humble beginnings back in 2011, now this platform has evolved into one of the most popular virtual whiteboard project management tools. And we can totally understand why, after all, Miro with its complete set of capabilities, creates a comprehensive visual workspace, appreciated especially by those working remotely.

Let's explore some of its key features, shall we?

Infinite Whiteboard: Miro’s main feature is its infinite whiteboard, created to provide teams with a digital canvas for brainstorming, project planning, and more. You can also add many different forms of media to your whiteboard such as sticky notes, images, videos, and PDFs, but be careful! At the end of the day you don’t want your workspace to become cluttered and illegible, do you?

Meetings and Virtual Conferences: What sets apart Miro from other digital whiteboards is its option to allow live meetings within the actual app. With a diverse set of video call features, such as voting, icebreaker activities, and built-in chat it can really boost the virtual meeting experience.

Powerful Workflow Support: Miro allows its users to smoothly integrate their digital whiteboard with already existing tools and support for innovation across all workflows.

Advanced Security: Miro is proven to prioritize its security and compliance, making sure all organizations and institutions can enjoy a safe scaling experience.

User Reviews: As one of the most popular players in the whiteboarding world, Miro gathered millions of users over the years. In many reviews online we can read their appreciation for Miro’s intuitive design, productivity boost, and high engagement levels, making it a viable for digital collaboration.

Now, let’s talk about ShareTheBoard!

What distinguishes ShareTheBoard (STB) from other popular collaboration platforms is its bold analog-first approach, focusing specifically on whiteboard sharing for a true and inclusive collaboration experience, whether on-site, remote, or hybrid.

The other thing that sets STB apart from many other digital-only whiteboarding tools like Miro is remembering the values of traditional whiteboards. Nowadays, our race for creating never-been-done-before solutions is making us forget that already existing solutions have their unique qualities. This way, we often eliminate certain elements of an experience that were important to its original success.

Whiteboards represent this case perfectly: we see that replacing a simple tool with an overly complicated digital alternative eliminates its crucial benefits – the ability to capture shared ideas swiftly (almost at the speed of thought) and to do so in a profoundly human-centric way.

Some of STB’s main characteristics:

Legible Whiteboard Sharing: STB ensures remote viewers can always read a shared whiteboard, even with the presenter in the way. Additionally, the interactive engagement features allow viewers to contribute directly to the board, enhancing collaboration during presentations or discussions.

Real-Time Content Saving: STB saves board contents in real-time, providing instant replay and secure storage. Many presenters value its clarity, ease of use, and interactive features for both in-person and remote meetings.

Powerful Workflow Support: STB easily integrates with your institution’s existing software and hardware solutions. Bonus points to STB for requiring no new skills (if you can use a whiteboard, you can use STB), making the adoption phase short and simple.

Advanced Security: STB has advanced security measures, including encryption and flexible deployment options (Amazon Cloud, Private Cloud, On-Premise), catering to the needs of organizations dealing with sensitive and confidential information.

Customer Stories: Both educators and entrepreneurs find value in using STB as their presentation/collaboration tool-of-choice – both in-person and remotely. We can read about their appreciation for the clarity, ease of use, and interactive features, bridging the gap between physical whiteboards and remote collaboration.

NEW! Instant AI Analysis: Now, ShareTheBoard can transcribe all of that scribbled content on your board into digital content (text, tables, flowcharts, etc.) – with one click. More than that, it can even analyze the contents of your board and offer suggestions. The line between the offline and online is officially gone.

office with a whiteboard in the background

What truly sets these tools apart?

Miro can really excel in a purely digital environment, offering a comprehensive set of features for various collaborative scenarios. On the other hand, STB is a pioneer in a hybrid collaboration setting, bringing back the charm of traditional whiteboards and markers but improved with some advanced tech. For many educators and presenters who still prefer to have a blackboard at hand, STB is there to bring their favorite medium into the Digital Age.

The pivotal distinction though, lies in the way the human element of whiteboarding is preserved, with STB allowing smooth transitions from analog to digital, keeping the person in the picture and not just their content.

In addition to core differentiators, STB offers compelling advantages: cost-effectiveness, compatibility with existing tech infrastructure, zero learning curve, a time-tested familiar learning experience, and improved accessibility for viewers with visual impairments. To sum it up, STB is a holistic solution for many universities and workplaces, seeking an innovative yet familiar and accessible platform to support their mission.

In Summary

From thousands of virtual collaboration tools, Miro and ShareTheBoard (STB) both offer unique features to cater to different needs. Miro, with its infinite digital canvas, is a versatile collaboration platform that gathered the support of over 35 million users worldwide. STB takes an analog-first approach, pioneering as one of the first real hybrid collaboration tools. With its focus on sharing whiteboard content, blurring the lines between the analog and the digital AND keeping the person in the picture, it’s a game-changer for many institutions looking for ways to preserve authentic collaboration.

Depending on how your organization works, Miro and ShareTheBoard can actually benefit from each other’s functions. Indeed, around here, we consider them complementary solutions. The combination often just makes sense: start with your whiteboard, then seamlessly move into the digital realm.

If you’re curious about ShareTheBoard’s technology and would like to learn more, we have some options for you: We created a couple of articles showcasing the strengths of our platform and prepared a few how-to videos for your perusal. And if you would like to get some practice, we offer a 7-day free trial so you can test ShareTheBoard firsthand. Finally, we welcome you to book a completely free and personalized demo of our tech.

Join us in exploring the future of visual collaboration!

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