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Web App vs. Content Camera

These two products are very similar but do have a few key differences. Picking the right one depends on what computer you have and how you plan on using ShareTheBoard.

First things first, let’s define terms:

  • The STB Web App
    • Allows you to open ShareTheBoard inside of any Web browser
    • Allows you to share Board View with your viewers just by sharing a link to your session (same as Content Camera)
    • Allows you to deliver the Content Overlay effect by using the screen share feature of video conferencing tools
  • The STB Content Camera
    • Desktop application (Windows only, for now) that turns any camera into a content camera
    • Allows you to share Board View with your viewers just by sharing a link to your session (same as Web App)
    • Allows you to deliver the Content Overlay effect by selecting the Content Camera inside of your video conferencing tools

So, the biggest difference is that one is an application that runs in your browser while the other is a desktop app you have to install to use. This already answers one key question about when to use each one: If you are using a MAC, Linux, or ChromeOS device, you’ll want to use the Web App. We do have plans to release a MAC version of the Content Camera but you’ll have to be a bit patient there.

Another question to ask yourself is whether you have access to multiple cameras. While MACs allow you to serve multiple applications with the feed from one camera, WIN devices won’t do this without a camera splitter. If you’re using a Windows device and have only one camera, you’ll want to use the Content Camera. This is because the Content Camera effectively has a camera splitter built-in. It takes the feed from an existing camera, adds STB magic to it, then returns a virtual camera to be used by other applications. So, even if you have only one camera, the Content Camera will make it possible for you to simultaneously have your camera on in a video conference (with or without the Content Overlay effect) and give your audience access to Board View.

Using the Content Camera has other advantages too:

  • If you’d like to share your board when you don’t have the ability to share your screen (e.g., if you’re not the host of an online meeting) or when you don’t have access to a browser, you’ll want to use the Content Camera. Simply by selecting it as your camera, you’ll initiate the STB magic!
  • If you’d like to deliver the Content Overlay effect and you want to avoid choppy video, the Content Camera is often a good choice.

So the Web App, by contrast is your go-to choice when you don’t have the option to install a desktop application.

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